Confessions tagged with 'drugs'.




I'm f15 albino pale skinny and bleach blonde in a black majority town

I never had a bf in high school my grades were normal, I only had 1 friend who was a boy older than me in school but in the same grade. We'll call him Jack

During summer when I turned 15 I got permissions to go solo out with Jack. We went bowling in town

He came with a few of his distant cousins who looked way older than him. We went to the bowling alley where I found then staring at my cleavage and thighs (I wore a skimpy dress, mind you It was summer) and I started to sweat looking at their growing crotch..... we were their for less than expected... Jack said he would be dropping me to my house as he had to run errands with his cousin.

But they skipped a turn to my house and took the vehicle to a deadend and turned off the head lights

I had no time to react they groped me and held me mouth and pinned me to the ground.

They gently stripped me and started recording

Tears rolled down my eyes. They removed their jeans and started slapping me with their hard dark black cocks (I wasn't on pill). They humped me for a good 2 hours. They took away my virginity... I was crying and moaning at the same time. The pastor of the town pulled over with a cop, I thought I was going to be saved but I didn't they both raped me for a good 45 mins and warned me if I said anything to anyone the whole town would find recordings in their post

They used me with the whole church on Sundays and on Christmas they would crucify me and then rape me as a ceremony to celebrate

Even my dad, my brother and all my cousins used me until I left the town for a bigger city for good




So I've been dating this very nice, very kind, very cute girl for a few months now. She's mid-thirties but has a much younger brother named Jordan who just moved back to LA because he finished his semester abroad in Barcelona.

We all met up for dinner initially and agreed that he and I would go shoot some balls at Top Golf the next week.

I guess he didn't know that I used meth as a replacement for oxygen for an entire year because this kid nonchalantly pulls out a loaded pookie and starts twisting away.

I let him take a few hits before interjecting. But I just coudln't be pissed at the guy. Not only was he completely twacked at this point, but all I could think of as how fucking sexy and hot it felt to have those chemicals rushing through your veins.

Without hesitation I proceeded to snatch the pookie and take a few big hits - forgetting that I had no tolerance whatsoever. The rush was so extreme it made my ears ring, my face flush, and my cock harden.

After a brief pause to catch their breath, Jordan concludes that "those were some epic fucking hits bro". Epic indeed. Not only is my world spinning, but my brain is hurtling down the same familiar perverse slutty yummy degenrate thought patterns as before, like ideas lost to time and rediscovered - except in this case the ideas were things like 'Does he know how hot his sister's pussy is?" and "Does he know that she likes to be spat on and called a whore while having an impossibly thick daddy cock smash into her cervix?" and finally the inevitable "Does he know that I'm staring at the bulge in his pants and wanting to desperately taste his cum?"

As my thoughts return to the present moment, I get an instant answer to my question by way of Jordan very clearly staring at the considerable outline of my cock. I out of pure unadulterated horniness confidently cut the ice with "yeah dude, I'm blessed in the dick department. You should see how hard your sister cums when I fuck her from just the right angle. She is literally filled with my cum every waking moment of every day"

"Jesus fucking christ dude, I know you're spun out of your mind, but that's my blood sister bro and I don't need to hear that."

He's clearly not fooling anyone as evidenced by his hand now covering a smallish but very rigid bulge. I may be stoned and horny but certainly not an idiot, so I retort with "I know you don't need to hear that, but I want you to hear it because your sister is hot and you've been jerking off to the thought of fucking her tight pink pussy since middle school"

"How do I know this? I said rhetorically, followed with "Because I've jerked off dozens of times imagining how hot it would be to fuck my younger sister. Hell I know she's furiously ravaged her clit while listening to me fuck the daylights out of her best friend from high school. The friend even told my sister that she had never felt more filled by a single cock in her life"

"I guess that's true bro, but this ice is fucking amazingly fire huh?"

In agreement I quickly followed with "yeah, not even sure why we're still going to Top Golf when we could be jerking off to hot porn at my crib."

Jordan, even less patient says "fuck your crib, we've got phones with 5g. Just turn down that street to the left"

I do as I'm told in this case and as soon as I pull over, I whip out my fully erect cock in all its glory. Jordan stares at it for a few seconds and says "holy fuck dude, now I know why my sister loves you so much" I give my shaft a few good strokes before replying with "i also give bomb head and treat her like a good little slut"

Jordan makes clear where is mind is at by simply replying with "bomb head?". I clarify that I mean pussy eating, but quickly follow up with "but yeah I've sucked cock in the past. Sucked and swallowed a load out of a 13 year old friend at a birthday party and shot a load into my friend's mouth while we were fucking my wife"

At this point Jordan unzips his fly and his cock springs free. It's average thickness and size, but he's uncut which I love.

Without permission I simply grab onto his cock and start furiously stroking it, saying things like "your sister makes me this hard too" and "she loves sucking cock, actually watch this..."

Feeling like the timing is right, I grab my phone, swipe to the camera roll, and start playing a video of my girlfriend sucking my cock and getting an absolute face full of semen which she wipes off and swallows so as not to waste any.

"Too bad you'll never get sucked like that by her" I state sarcasticaly as I grab the back of Jordan's cute hair and start pulling him towards my crotch at an ever-quickening pace.

He clearly gets the picture, because before I know it, my entire cock is engulfed in the silky warm throat of the kid who clearly has done this before. "Holy fuck dude, yes I'm spun, but you give even better head than your sister, I'll let you know when I'm going to shoot"

Not 5 seconds pass by before I feel that familiar tickle and raise the alarm by breathlessly stating "dude I'm gonna bust, pull your mouth off my cock"

...but Jordan didn't heed that advice. Instead he did exactly what I would always do, tightly seal the head of the engorged cock around your lips, open your throat, and accept the wonderful ropes of slutty cum running down your esophogus -- hell, I bet that's what my girl would do if she could suck cock like her brother and didn't insist on being creampied raw multiple times daily.

"Hooooolllllly fuck dude" I haven't cum so much in so fucking long. That was so goddamn hot. I'd return the favor but the ol post-nut clarity is kicking in quickly. Just as I finished speaking, Jordan let out a deep grunt before shooting long jets of cum all over the dashboard door of my car.

"Two things I need to say based on this: 1. Lick up every drop of that cum now 2. Let's keep this going dude. I'll bring the ice from now on if you bring that throat and eventually what I imagine is a very nice, very pink, very puckered virgin fuckhole ready to be stretched"

...and so this started a back and forth cycle between the siblings: I would tell Jenny what happened with Jordan, her pussy would instantly flood, and she'd spasm uncontrollably while I whisper in her ear how hot it's going to be when Jordan finally starts fucking her. Jenny would also start saying things in passing like "you and Jordan still jerking like school kids? Can you please go ahead and fuck his ass already, you know he's totlly gay for you"

I would then relay this back to Jordan during our next session which had strayed far from simply jerking off. Sometimes I'd play clips of his sister's pussy up close and dripping, other times I'd play a clip of me and my buddy Kyle spitroasting her during a party, but I'd always migrate to Bisexual or Trans porn.

The next evening I had shot way too much meth up my ass and was feeling extremely horny. I figured tonight would be the night that Jordan becomes a man (with a ripped asshole) and I figured I would look to find a hot trans girl that I could fuck. There were many options, but the perfect slutty looking latina stood out immediately. We negotiated price and soon she was on her way to my place.

Suddenly panick overtakes my entire body as I realize that this may actually deemed to be cheating by my girlfriend, so I'm afraid that Jordan might spill the beans on me if things go wrong.

I feverishly message Jordan to call it off, but he's understanding upon realizing that he has enough meth for himself at home already.

The girl arrives and has a great body and face -- very fuckable -- but she also seems to be very fucked up on heroin. I consider taking the reins like any assertive man would by pulling her panties to the side, but she protests and I decide not to push it.

Suddenly the phone rings and it's her friend Chanel who is in the area and would like to come for a visit. She soon arrives, is a fucking smokeshow, has a genuine desire to get fucked properly by a real man, and is a total sweetheart to back it up.

We chill for a bit and converse before Chanel grabs ahold of my stil hardening cock and carefully places a condom on the tip of my cock while rolling it down with her tongue. She clearly knows what she's doing, even if this will be the only time she insults my perfect cock by putting a barrier between her tonsils and a load that I've wanted to bust into a sexy trans girl's throat ever since I started jerking off at 12 years old.

She's great at giving head -- much better than my current girlfriend, better than Jordan (but he'll learn), and even better than my ex-girlfriend who literally sucks cock for a living.

My pleasure is rudely interrupted by the ringing of Chanel's phone. She informs me that she has another client to attend to and that I am welcome to meet at her hotel for round two once done. This is perfect because it gives me time to wrap my head around just how I'm going to communicate this exciting news to Jordan and this potentially distressing news to my girlriend?

You already know the answer folks. As memorial day approaches, I get spun as usual with Jordan, but there isn't any porn and no small talk this time. We both get right to it, greedily sucking each other to get our daily serving of semen. Jordan breathlessly states "i can't stop thinking about those trans girls" to which I reply "i can't stop thinking about how sore your pink puckered fuckhole is going to be when all three of us finally finish filling your raw asshole"

"That sounds fucking perfect bro" Jordan states much to my surpise. Finally realizing that he really is a closeted gay who yearns to be fucked and held down by men, I simply reply with "so perfect that I'm going to record it for your sister and we can all watch it together when we're done"

Jenny and I make the drive up to Palm Springs on Friday and get settled into her friend's beautiful home in the desert heat. We love doing molly and knowing Jenny, she had already planned out and decided that we would be taking it almost immediately. I sprung into action by swapping two of the capsules with special ice capsules designed for realization of one's deepest desres.

I know this is technically a bad thing to do, but nobody knows what the fuck is in Tesla pills to begin with and it's probably meth anyway. Like clockwork I notice Jenny getting flush, touching herself slowly, heavily breathing, etc.

I wait another five minutes and don't even have to look down to know that Jenny's cunt is absolutely dripping with lust as the most depraved thoughts imaginable rush through her head.

"uhhh, something's wrong baby" Jenny says out of sudden alarm.

"nah, this is totally expected, relax, you're just not used to the feeling of being spun out"

"uhhhh what did you say?" Jenny chides to which I respond with "I thought it was time we brought you into the special club. What do you think led to me and your bro having bottomless cravings for the feeling of each other's cocks pulsing over and over again?"

"Holy fuck, this is what ice feels like?"

"Not quite actually. This is what ice thinking feels like. Here is what action on ice feels like"

Just at that moment, Jordan walks into the room wearing nothing but tight boxer shorts. I ask "has your sister seen your cock before dude?" and he says "yeah but a long time ago". I walk over and start stroking him to give a better showing, but Jordan starts pushing me down to my knees. I comply and start bobbing up and down on his shaft. Jenny meanwhile stares in amazement at my superior deepthroating skills. "yeah we've been prcting baby" I say as I wipe the precum away from my lips.

I figured enough beating around your inevitably brother ravaged bush and time to be direct: You're both super hot and have so many similarities, but Jenny will always be my girlfriend and Jordan will always be the hot meth slut who tags along on my adventures into the depraved.

However who you two are to each other is entirely up to you. From what I've seen, it sounds like you should have been taking Jordan's cock balls deep from the end of middle school. Is that right guys?

"Obviously. You should have seen her walking around in sheer thongs in eigth fucking grade for gods sake. How could I not want to fuck the life out of her underage pussy?"

"I wasn't aware of it at first, but when Jordan started getting with my friends and all I would hear is endless 'great kisser' this and 'made me cum buckets', it did make me want to jump on and go for a ride"

This was precisely the idea. A long weekend away from friends and distraction, where all three lovers can focus on fucking each other in every naughty way possible -- starting with me finally fucking Jordan in front of his sister and ending with Jordan collapsing on top of his dear sister after finally completing a years long quest to make his sister cum harder than she ever had.

To be continued...




It was late November n it was my birthday but I had no reason to celebrate it since I was still single after my divorce. I came home from work n I took a shower n as I'm in the shower I heard my kids talking n laughing so I got dressed n came out to see what was going on n I saw my son with his gf n my daughter with her GF sitting at the kitchen table n when I came up to my daughter she stood up n all I could notice were her nipples pressed against her tight short n she walked up on me n put her arms around my neck n kissed me on my cheek n I held her in my arms n she told me happy birthday Dad n I told her thank you I love you too n as I let her go I saw her eyes look down at my crotch as I was already hard n she smiled n held my hand n told me to cause my eyes n my son walked in n placed the cake with all the candles already lit n when she removed her hands from my eyes she whispered to me in my ear to make my wish before I blew out the candle's, so I did I made my wish n then I blew out the candles n proceeded to cut the cake n serve everyone a big piece of cake n then my daughter gets up n stands besides me n tell me me she didn't get me no present but I stopped her n immediately said she n her brother were my best gifts I could ever get so we ate n said some jokes n story's n then they left with their friends n I went out n bought some 3 cases of beer n Lil bit of cocaine at that n I sat outside n started drinking by myself as the day turned into night my son returned with his gf n so did my daughter with her bf n they joined me where I was at drinking n listening to music n realizing I was now 38 yrs old n I was still single n free to do what ever I wanted . As the night weared on it started to get colder n late into the night n my buzz started to kick in n my son's gf asked him if they could leave cus she had to work the following morning so he told her to wait 30 minutes n all of a sudden my phone vibrated n as I look at the message to see who it was my daughter was sitting inside her bf car just looking at me n as I read the text message it said," daddy can I have ur permission to spend the night with my bf " I looked at her n I texted her n told her yes you can under one condition n I put a heart on the message to her n when she read it she text me back n asked me what is it n i texted her back n told her to let me fuck her first before she leaves with him n she texted me back with a heart , so we continued to drink n her bf told me he was ready to go home cus he had to work the next day so he sat in his car n turned it on to warm it up n i walked inside my house to the back room where she had her cloth n as she was looking what to take i walked up behind her n hugged her n she felt I was already hard when I pressed my crotch against her ass n she then told me not to take long cus her bf was outside waiting for her so I turned her around n unzip her pants n pulled them down n I unzip my pants n pulled them n my boxers down together n she was looking down at my cocok n made a remark " it's that hard already" n I told her yes for you it's always like this n she turned around n pulled her pantys down n bent over for me n I grabbed my cock n rubbed her pussy with it n she immediately got wet with my cock n I started kissing her all over her back n her neck n squeezing her titts n nipples as my cock was pressing into her wet pussy n as i felf her press her ass against my cock i knew she was ready to feel my cock inside of her wet pussy so i rubbed her one more time n i put it deep inside of her n she dropped even lowet as i startex fucking her pussy n as i was in the motion she staryed moaning n i could feel het pussy getting even wetter n I started squeezing n pulling on her titts n she picked her head up n told me that I was only fucking her cus she looked like her mom n I told her no it's not true it's cus of who you are n continue to fuck her n then out of nowhere her phone started ringing n it was her bf n she ignored it n continued moaning as I started fucking her harder then it rung again n she told me not to stop cus she wanted me to finish so I didn't stop but it rang the 3rd time n she told me to answer it n I did n as I was talking to him I was fucking her n I slapped her ass so she would be quiet n he asked me how much longer is she going to take n I told him she's in the bathroom so I don't know but I'll go tell her he hung up n she told me that I know how to lie for her n kissed her n continued fucking her pussy n after 45 minutes went by she was getting tired n asked me how much longer n I told her not too much long n she bent all the way down n put her hands on the floor n I knew she was going to feel my cock a lot better that way n all she was telling me was not to cum inside of her pussy so just over 1½ hrs I was ready to cum n when I did I pulled out n cm on her ass n she was breathing heavily n hard n as she stood up i pulked hetbtowards my body n she felt my cock against her ass n she turned around n looked at it n kissed me on my lips n told me i am the best shes ever had sobfar ni hugged her n i grabbed my cock n rubbed her pussy one more time n she stayed surprise that i was still hard even afyer we fucked for so long n i had already cum so i told her i loved her for who she is n i took my tank top ofg to wipe her clean n myself before she left n i made sure she gad het cloth on right n her hair was not in a mess n as i walked her to the front door she told me she was coming back again for more n I told her ok when ever she wanted me again I'll be there waiting for her n I asked her what are you going to telm ur bf aboyt u taking this long in the bathroom n she said she is telling him she was sick from her stomach n had to dry up her clith she was taking with her to spend the night n before I opened the door she turned around n kissed my lips n I hugged her n grabbed her by her ass n squeezed her n told her I would be waiting for her n she did continue to come n spend time with me after that night n we fucked once a week when she came home to visit me n not one time did I cum inside of her cus she would always remind me not to cum in her pussy or else I wasn't going to fuck her anymore.




I dated this guy named Ron about 2-3 years ago; I cheated on Ron a couple times, and that's how I ended up with my current boyfriend. Things between Ron & I started fine, I actually liked him but towards the end, my feelings changed and I started acting cold towards him & that's when the cheating began. Everything is fine with my current boyfriend, but I can't help but get off to the thought of Ron dragging me back into the house we shared together for a year and raping me in the bed we used to share. Or taking me out back, in between the house and the other trailer (they're only separated by a foot & that space in between is enclosed), and throwing me on the muddy ground in between the house and the second trailer, and ripping my asshole apart as he rapes my ass dry. There's a bed in the second trailer; no pillows or sheets or blankets, just a mattress. God, I'd love for him to tie me to that bed and keep me as his permanent rape victim. I'd love for him to punch me and slap me around, telling me what a useless and pathetic whore I am. I'd love it if he got his neighbor Robbie in on it too, both of them raping each of my holes. Wish Ron would force me to use hard drugs and get me addicted to not only his cock but the drugs. get me so addicted that I'd let the dog knot me just to get high. Let his little brother Will put a gun in my mouth and rape his cum deep into my womb. want them to fuck me with the blade of a knife and stand there and laugh at me while I'm in pain. nothing gets me more hot n bothered than thinking about being Ron's perfect rape victim




I work at a farm and specifically I wash and deal with the horses mainly. Me and my friends were talking about my job and they asked if I'd ever played with one of the cocks and I told them the truth, yes. I used to jerk them off and get turned on by how much cum would shoot out.

A week or two later, two of my friends privately asked me if they could fuck the horses and, being quite drunk at the time, I said yes.

They got there after hours when it was dark and we snuck in and got to work. They sucked this horse cock together whilst I filmed them and were more than happy to get pretty dirty.

They invited me to join so i set up the phone on a table and joined them, sucking this thing until it exploded on us. They wanted another so i moved one of the smaller horses out and led its cock into my friends pussy. She came a hell of a lot and once it pulled out, I could see she was hurt but too turned on to care. They went on, letting the horse piss on them (even eating its dirty ass whilst I was letting it mount me).

Eventually that one came in me and they ate it out of me. Finally they wanted something big which is the real reason i made this prompt as I've got away with what happens next but need to tell people. My friend who was hurt begged me to get the biggest one and let her put it in her ass. My other friend was pretty high and watched, totally covered in cum and shit.

I led the largest horse to her and she forced the first few inches into her ass. Immediately she bled from her butt but kept saying it was gonna make her cum so i watched with my other friend.

Then... she stopped squealing as the horse totally hilted inside her and began to fuck her whole body. She went limp as the horse flooded her with cum and pulled out, totally coated in her shit and blood.

Because we were super high, we ignored it, climbed onto her and began eating the mixture coming out of her butt.

We fell asleep and once we woke up we realised she was dead so I cleaned the horses and her body and dumped it. To this day she's reported missing and her husband has no idea about it.

Since then I can't stop fucking myself to how good it must have felt just before she died. It's so evil but the video I have of us fisting ourselves as our friend dies is my favourite thing and I've sent it to so many people. I've also started sleeping with the other friend a lot more and we want to do it again but this time go crazier and let them kill us or even killing each other.

Meanwhile her daughter has seen the video but I've cropped us out and I just know that 16 year old slut fingers herself to it.




When I was 14 (I am now a 22F) , my mom's friends would come over and I would have to stay in my room because I couldn't look at 'Mommy's secret meetings' but I snuck to her room once and looked in. She had about 5 of her friends over and they were hosting an orgy but it was easily the most hardcore thing I have seen.

Firstly, everyone was doing coke, like loads of it and evidently it was just making them more excited. I watched my mom snort a line off her dresser before bending over and letting one of her friends ram a 9" strapon into her ass. The room smelt of cum and I only got to watch a little before I got caught. Initially they stopped but my Mom was so high she asked if I wanted to join one day and I said yes. So a few years go by, I am now 16 and for my birthday we turned our house into an orgy with her friends. We started at 6pm and got straight to the coke, I lost my virginity a month before but this was totally different. 40 year old women were passing me around and fucking me all whilst I kept cumming over and over.

By the end of the night I had done everything you can do with a group of women high and horny. My ass had been used till it had prolapsed, I had got to fist my mum and ate her dirty ass, my godmother had smacked me around the room until I was dizzy. After it was all over it was 2am and we wanted to do more. Since then I have joined and invited my girlfriend (who wants to start having regular threesomes with my mom). I have also started seeing one of my mom's friends on her own so we can do some stuff the others wont like drink each others pee and watch depraved teen porn.

Overall I have become a major slut and for my Mom's most recent birthday, I took us to a couple's hotel where we had sex every day with random men and women and have decided to become a throuple with my girlfriend. We decided on that when we were sucking a black dude who had just fucked me in the ass.




Ive been letting my male friends have sex with me for as long as i remember. Mostly one at a time but there were some parties that the did me one after another. And im on birth control so they can finish insidr me if they want. I like it that way but some of the guys like it when i beg for it on my face.

I dont have a lot of girlfriends because most women thunk im a slut. Which i guess is true but group sex is always better when theres another pussy.

Once i was with a bunch of guy friends and we were all doing coke and it was like 5 of them and one other girl in the living room with me. She stared bragging that shes the best partner in bed and everybody what like whatever. And she started saying she'll do anything anybody wants sexually. Nothing was off limits. So i told her strip naked in front of everyone and stick her tongue up my asshole. And so she got naked and i got naked and the guys were all watching, some with their dicks out. I was fingering myself and i came whil her tongue was up my ass. She then started making out with me and she said see im a bigger slut than you. I told her ive taken loads of cum from every guy in this room and she told me to do it again. The guys lined up and fucked one after the other and the whole time she kept saying "fuck that nasty slut" "fill that sluts pussy with cum". It was hot. After the 3rd guy she sucked some cum out and made out with me. I passed out and woke up on the couch covered in dried cum. I looked over amd the other girl is passed out getting fucked by a guy and shes covered in vomit. I got up to pee and the guy fucking her says they all peed in her already and i should try it. So i squatted over her face and pissed on her while this guy is nutting in her pussy. Hottest fucking night ever. I want to piss on her face again.