Confessions tagged with 'virgin'.




My first time was at my cousin's wedding. There was this handsome groomsman I kept eyeing in the awkward way teens do. He must have seen me catching glances because during the reception he came up to me and started chatting me up. I was very flirty and he leaned in and told me he was flying back to Florida in the morning and we only had the one night. I was nervous when I told my parents I wasn't feeling good and was going to go back to our hotel room, but they seemed to believe me (I think they thought my cousin has slipped me some alcohol).

It was late and it was pretty dark. I met him in the parking lot and thought we might go to his car but instead he grabbed my hand and led me to a line of bushes in front of a line of cars. In the shadows, he asked me how old I was. After I told him I was 18 (a lie because I was only 14), he started feeling me up and kissing me. I was so excited, I totally forgot we could be seen.

His hands slid over my chest, squeezing my nipples them through my dress. I didn’t have a bra beneath it because I still hadn't developed breasts yet and he quickly found that out. He slipped his hand into my dress and played with my nipples until they were hard.

I gasped against his mouth as his other hand reached under my dress and played with my pussy. I was wearing panties but he pushed them to the side and sunk his fingers right in. He was rough and it hurt since I'd never has anything bigger than a baby carrot in there before that, but I liked it anyway.

I moaned and he pressed a hand over my mouth as he fingered me, his green eyes watching my reactions as he slipped his fingers inside me. It was really hot just being watched, like he was enjoying just pleasuring me.

Once he knew I was really wet, he turned me around. There were some trees nearby and he pinned me against a tree while he pushed his cock into me. I bit my lip and clawed the tree to keep from letting him know that I was a virgin, and he didn't seem to notice. He did whisper how tight I was as he pinned me against the tree and pumped into me. It hurt but felt good, and I ended up on the balls of my toes while he wrapped his hands around my waist to hold me.

That's when he noticed my fingers... and then asked if it was my first time. I told him it was. He stopped and moved me to lay me on the ground. I was laying in the dirt when he sank himself into me again. Instinctively, I wrapped legs around his waist and my arms around his back. I hadn't really thought about how much taller than me he was until then, but he made it work, using the ground to fuck me like a rabid animal.

I was crying out and he had to cover my mouth again, pumping into me and pushing me into the dirt with each rough thrust. If I wanted to get out of this, I realized I no longer could. His size and weight pinned me to the ground, but I didn't want to leave. I was loving it and I wanted him to keep going. The pain had stopped and it just felt so good. I lost myself in the feeling, no idea how long it lasted, but eventually he groaned loudly in my ear and he stopped. I felt him pulse a few times inside my pussy.

When we were done he helped me onto my feet and we helped my shakily back to the parking lot. I never found my panties but that was the least of my worries. I was covered in dirt and sweat and blood, my virginity had been taken and that was obvious on my thighs. We had to sneak in through the back of the hotel and he helped me to the groom’s suite to get cleaned up.

I managed to get back to my hotel room before my parents noticed, and I climbed into bed. They came in a little later, but I managed to pretend I was asleep long enough for them to climb into bed and sleep themselves. I didn't have sex again for 2 years, but it wasn't because of that time, I just got busy with school stuff. I don't think that groomsman ever found out that I wasn't 18, but something told me that he probably wouldn't have cared if he did.




Today was again my happy day in my private pool.First time I had alone swimming lesson with cute 12 yo black girl .Her single mom was occupied and I didn't waste opportunity . After a little of small talk about her life , girlfriends and similar things I simply kissed her and began to finger her pussy .Ten minutes later she was completely naked in my pool in sweet agony of her first orgasm . Before she had any time to say anything I mercilessly pushed deep in her pussy and took her virginity .We fucked with her back on the wall of my pool abaut half hour and I came in her pussy twice.Before she went home I came inside her on the bed again two time . I'm hoping now that next time I'm going to fuck her mom too!




I'm f15 albino pale skinny and bleach blonde in a black majority town

I never had a bf in high school my grades were normal, I only had 1 friend who was a boy older than me in school but in the same grade. We'll call him Jack

During summer when I turned 15 I got permissions to go solo out with Jack. We went bowling in town

He came with a few of his distant cousins who looked way older than him. We went to the bowling alley where I found then staring at my cleavage and thighs (I wore a skimpy dress, mind you It was summer) and I started to sweat looking at their growing crotch..... we were their for less than expected... Jack said he would be dropping me to my house as he had to run errands with his cousin.

But they skipped a turn to my house and took the vehicle to a deadend and turned off the head lights

I had no time to react they groped me and held me mouth and pinned me to the ground.

They gently stripped me and started recording

Tears rolled down my eyes. They removed their jeans and started slapping me with their hard dark black cocks (I wasn't on pill). They humped me for a good 2 hours. They took away my virginity... I was crying and moaning at the same time. The pastor of the town pulled over with a cop, I thought I was going to be saved but I didn't they both raped me for a good 45 mins and warned me if I said anything to anyone the whole town would find recordings in their post

They used me with the whole church on Sundays and on Christmas they would crucify me and then rape me as a ceremony to celebrate

Even my dad, my brother and all my cousins used me until I left the town for a bigger city for good




So this happened over 10 years ago now. Its about time for me to get it out there. I'm now a 25yo woman. I was 14 when this happened.

So at my parents house they hired some builders to add a small extension to the house. It was partially done of the summer school holidays so i had some time at home alone while my parents worked. They were around for a couple of weeks at the start and at the end of the 6 weeks holidays. So i had a period of 2 weeks at home alone during the day until they came home.

I had only discovered porn several months earlier and i had gone in hard watching it. I loved it, i found it so hot. Anyway during my 2 weeks alone i found myself wanting to show off. I caught the builders looking at me now and again. I wore more and more revealing and skimpy clothes walking around the house, trying to be seen. I wanted them to watch me.

At the end of the two weeks i had home alone during the day I decided i wanted to tease them more. I asked the two of them if they would like a drink as it was a particularly hot day. They gladly obliged and followed me into the kitchen. I poured them their drinks and handed them the drinks. We then went into the living room and i asked if they wanted to sit and take a rest or anything.

They both sat on the sofa and we started chatting about everything and anything. With a slight flirty tone now and again. I'm sure they must have been aware of my age, maybe told by my parents early on?!

Anyway the chat got more and more flirty. Until one of them, the cute Nigerian man mentioned the clothing i had been wearing around the house. They had noticed me! My heart started pounding. I mentioned that i liked wearing very little but i also knew they were there. They told me i was hot, sexy, all the usual comments guys have like that. I had been watching porn all morning so i was pretty hot under the collar by now.

I stood up and walked over to clear their glasses but hesitated when i saw the Nigerian guys cock bulging through his shorts. He noticed me looking and asked if i had seen a black cock before. I shook my head and he pulled it out, right where he sat. I was shocked, turned on, mesmerised all at the same time.

Long story short. I ended up giving my first blowjobs ever right there to those two builders. Still easily one of the hottest experiences of my life!

I never got to do it again as my dad started his 2 weeks off work at home and all i could then do was flash the two builders every so often. I often wonder how it may have been had i done this earlier in my 2 weeks alone.




I lost my virginity to my roommate Kayla while we were both really drunk in college, and got kinda aggressive with her. I have always found Kayla really attractive, which was not an unpopular opinion - she was always highly sought after by the boys. Huge tits and a skinny little waist, flat stomach, long brown-blond hair. And she has a beautiful face - brownish green large eyes, and cute pouty lips, a slightly recessed jaw. It’s hard to describe over text, but she is really cute and sexy. We had been friends in high school, and then I developed a real crush on her while we lived together as dorm-mates in college. She tried on a couple occasions to kiss me, but she had always been drunk and I wasn’t drunk so I didn’t want to because I genuinely liked her and wanted her to like me. I always just told her I don’t sleep with drunk girls, but she was always really persistent. I didn’t sleep with her until a year after the dorms, when we were renting a house with two other girls. I forget the occasion, but we were all really drunk, partying in the living room. Probably singing karaoke off our projector. I remember my other roommate, Tati, cuddling up next to me as I laid on the couch. She always would say she’s straight, but she loved to cuddle. She was beside me with her leg partially over me. I could feel her crotch pressed up against my hip. I really enjoyed her cuddles, and wish I had tried to take it further with her at some point before moving out - I think I could have turned her (eventually I think she did realize she was gay, but I would have loved to pop her cherry). I was getting really drunk, and Kayla was pouring us all more shots. At a certain point Kayla piled on top of us, and began straddling me. I felt the heat of her cunt on my lower stomach and I felt my clit twitch. There was this look in her eyes and the tension crackled between us. She pecked me playfully on the lips and rolled off us slowly. “Do you want to go lay down in your room?” She asked me innocently. I told her I did, and eagerly climbed over the back of the couch, following her to my room that was right next to the living room. When we got onto my bed, we just cuddled and rolled around drunkenly together. Neither of us initiated it, but as we rolled, our lips met. That was all it took. She was a wet kisser, her tongue swiped against mine and we drooled into each other. I offered to get us some more booze from the kitchen and I scurried out quickly to retrieve it. When I got back I gave her a double and I took a shot of water. I was already drunk but I wanted her to be even more willing, although she was already really fucked up. As soon as she had downed them, we were kissing again. I sucked her tongue and held the back of her neck, my other hand hungrily groped her sides and stomach. Between the kissing we both took our clothes off, but I hardly remember our lips leaving each other. She eventually broke the kiss and started pushing my head down. Her pussy was always shaved completely smooth, something I had forgotten until that moment. I nosed her slit and and lapped at her hole. It tasted so good, she was so wet. She was the first pussy I had ever tasted and I wanted to lick and suck her forever. I probed my tongue into her and ate up her sticky wetness. My nose nuzzled hard against her while I tongue fucked her as deep as I could. I was so horny I was grinding and humping against the bed. She stared protesting quietly, saying something like, she hadn’t gone this far before, and she wasn’t sure. I pinned her with one arm over her pelvis and one wrapped around her thigh and kept going. My mouth moved up to find her clit and I sucked it gently. She started pushing my head away weakly. My head was spinning and I couldn’t stop now. My pussy was so swollen and hot. I slipped a finger inside her and felt her squeeze down on me and she let out a desperate moan. I added more fingers and curled them inside her while sucking her off. I felt her tightening and she pressed herself into the mattress to get further away, but that just made me go harder. Suddenly I could feel piss gushing out of her as I fucked her hard. I opened my mouth to suck her piss and clit at the same time. Her hot piss tasted so sweet and I slurped up as much as I could as she now humped her bald pussy into my mouth. She pulled me up to kiss her again and I eagerly crawled up to her and feverishly kissed her - I wanted her to taste her own cum. I was still so horny and started straddling her leg while kissing her aggressively. I wanted to get off too. Again she squirmed under me but I held her tightly under me and started thrusting my pussy against her leg, and my knee into her pussy. Her expression looked kinda scared but she wasn’t going to stop me. I didn’t care that she didn’t like it, in fact it made me so hot that she was so pathetic against me. I caressed her face gently and kissed her, smashing her lips. I repositioned us so I was sitting up, hugging her leg against my body, and forcefully fucked my pussy against hers. I was way stronger than her and held her tight, she couldn’t get away in the slightest. I roughly pinched and pulled on her tit while I rode her. My large clit was so swollen and it felt so good to rub against her smooth slick pussy, it felt like I was really inside her. Soon I could feel myself orgasming and I bucked against her uncontrollably as my clit throbbed and I peed a little. I slowed and rubbed my pussy against her in soft circles, jerking slightly as I overstimulated my clit. I collapsed next to her, and held her tight against my sweaty body until I fell asleep. When I woke up I found her in her room. We didn’t talk about it the next day and everything stayed the same as before. She said she didn’t remember anything from the night before, but didn’t bat an eye when I returned the shirt and shorts she left in my room, so I think she was lying about blacking out. I still have her panties that she left in my room and sometimes stuff them partially inside my pussy when I think of her and jerk off with the material against my clit and urethra hole until I squirt into them. I can feel my clit throbbing as I write this and remember her.




I was little, only 7. my grampa came to visit for the summer and he took a special interest in me. He bought me toys, and pizza and shit like that. Always had me sit in his lap, and rub against me. I felt special and really liked the attention. I would show off and flirt, even tho I didn't know what it was.

One night, he came in my room, I pretended to sleep but it didn't matter, he laid down against me in the spoons position. He was rubbing me and breathing heavy, I could smell the beer on him. I knew something wasn't right, I felt the fear in my belly even though I didn't understand what was wrong. He was whispering against my neck that I was such a little tease, wearing my dress and letting my panties show. Making him think dirty things about me. That it was obvious what kinda girl I was, and that I made him think of me in naughty ways. He said I was one of those girls that wants the boys to look at them. And there were 2 kinds of girls, those that liked what the boys did and those that were teases. Nothing is worse than a tease. If you go around wanting attention you better expect to get it.

He said I needed to be grateful for all the things he did for me. He said I would really like it when I was older, he could tell, I was gonna be that kinda girl. But I didn't like what he was saying, it scared me and I just wanted him to like me. But he said I do like you, and this is gonna show you just how much I really do.

He pulled my panties down and started rubbing my slit. He said my slit was what all men wanted, if I wanted boys to like me I had to give it up.I started crying and asking him to stop. He said shhhh it's gonna be ok your a big girl and I feel you getting slick, it's ok to be afraid but this is how you get to be a big girl. He slipped his finger into me and oh God did that hurt!! I cried out and he said it's ok, be a big girl, it will only hurt the first time. he then turned me over, put his hand over my trembling mouth, climb between my shaking legs and forced himself inside me in one well measured stroke. Not brutally forceful, but enough to fully sink into my tender pinkness. The white hot pain ripped through me, I thought I would be tore open it hurt so bad, I was sobbing. the burning pain was immense, I felt the sticky wetness of my blood as my innocence was ripped open. He was going slow and and his breathing was barely controlled as he told me I was being such a good girl and so brave, I was sobbing. He told me men had to have this from girls, they needed it like food or water and it wouldn't hurt only the first time. That it was good he was the one to make me hurt because who else would do it right ? Girls like you love it, it may hurt now but someday you won't want anything else. But as he was telling me how brave and good I was, the pain started to become a little more tolerable. My hysteria was down to shuddering sobs. He said that's it, be a good girl, your so soft and tight I'm almost done. His voice got husky and he stopped going slow, and started to hurt me again, I felt him growing thicker in me and he got a little rough I cried out and grabbed his back, he plunged hard into me I thought he would go through me! But he stopped and shook a little. I thought he was dying. But he grunted and I felt a hot wetness fill me, I thought I was bleeding ever worse. He got up and told me I should go clean myself up, and that he wouldn't tell anyone what a naughty girl I was for making grampa do that. I had blisters after that, I was so sore.

He came in my room again about a week later and for the rest of the summer he was fucking me most nights. I started to enjoy it and when he first ate my little girl pussy I had an orgasm. I had no idea what was happening to me but I knew I liked it .

He was right, I do like it and I am a naughty girl




After my mom moved in her boyfriend, I grew attached to him very quickly. He was fun to be around and very sweet and attentive to me and my sister. In spite of the difference in our ages (I was 11, he was 35) I just loved him and thought he was wonderful. I was careful about it then, but ever since, I have called him Daddy. I always will.

During the summer of that year, my sister went away for two lengthy stays at art camp and with a friend. Momma worked in the daytime. That left me and Daddy alone all day.

One morning, I awoke and heard momma leave. I got up and went to their room. Without a word, I pulled the covers back, got into bed with him, and snuggled close. He was warm and I felt very safe and cozy next to him. I honestly wasn't trying to start anything. I only had the vaguest notion of what sex was. It was the feeling of attachment and protection that attracted me that morning.

We spooned together, him in his boxers and me in my pajama top and shorts. Before long came the inevitable "hard thing" poking me in the butt and the slow, soft humping. I had a pretty good idea what it was. I had seen pictures of a cock but had never encountered one in the wild. Not knowing what to do, I froze and let it happen. Freezing at critical moments became a lifelong habit.

The humping got a bit more intense and the strokes longer. I could feel his excitement and his breathing get deeper. After a bit, he rolled away from me, lifted his hips off the bed, and pulled off his underwear. He put his arm around me and rolled me over onto his chest.

There it was. Wow. I was eye to eye with my first cock. It was my turn for deep breathing and a racing heart. Along with the sight of it all came my first feelings of sexual excitement. That was a fun feeling, even if I didn't quite understand what it was. I was totally intoxicated by that and fascinated by Daddy's hard cock.

He put his hand on it and stroked it. Then he grabbed it and pulled on it, faster and faster. My head was on his chest, so I could feel him breathing hard and moaning very quietly. This went on for a while as I watched, frozen in place, both too scared to move and too fascinated to look away.

As he got more and more excited, Daddy said, "I'm going to show you how to cum." In my naivety, I thought, "Where are we going?" Shortly after, he turned his hips toward me, thrust toward me, and let out a groan. Milk shot out of it! It looked like milk anyway. It felt hot when it splashed on my leg and my pajama shorts. I had no idea what that was or than any of that even happened. In a deep down instinctive way, I knew it was something special though. Indeed, it was.

Daddy relaxed and almost immediately said, "You are such a good girl, D. I love you so much." Those were words I would hear again and again, every time he came. All of these new sensations had my head spinning.

As I lay there, watching the milk begin to "cry" down my leg, Daddy said, "Rub it in." I had no idea what that meant and laid there motionless. After a moment, he took my wrist and put my fingers in the Daddy milk. He guided my hand in circles until the milk began to dissolve into my skin. I was fascinated by that too. It was the first time I took a man's love into my body. Looking back, it was beautiful moment.

After a bit, he said, "Go clean yourself off with a washcloth." I went to the bathroom, ran some warm water, and washed away the residual mess. Like a good girl, I hung up the washcloth and went back to my room, then sat on my bed and tried to process all the exciting things I had seen. The scene replayed in my head along with images of Daddy's cock and the hot, squirting milk. I wondered when we might do it again. As it turned out, about an hour later...