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There's a little girl in my trailer park that always hangs around my trailer in the afternoon. We'll call her Cindy. She has no friends, because the other youngest kid in the park is 16, and because Cindy's tweaker mother won't let her go to school. Cindy is 8. About a month ago, I heard Cindy knocking on my window. She usually goes home after the sun sets, but it was 11 20, and here she was. Don't get me wrong, I'm a great guy. I don't really like kids, but unlike most people in our low income neighborhood, I don't throw beer cans at her and call her the daughter of a whore whenever I see her. I don't play with her, but I've always said hello and never told her to leave. Which is probably why she hung out near me so much. What compelled her to wake me up at midnight was her mother. I don't what she uses, all I know is it requires needles.

Apparently, Cindy's mom went on a bad trip, because she had told Cindy to fuck off, and once I opened my door I could even hear her flipping out from the other side of the park. Being the gentleman I thought I was, I naturally offered to let her sleep on my couch. I shouldn't have done that. I've been single my whole life. I'm in my thirties, a virgin, and have never cum outside of masturbation. I've never had a handy or a blow job, and didn't even watch that much porn. Cindy, despite being well acclimated to profanity by now, was still a relatively innocent girl. She liked dolls and dresses, and wasn't as much of a troublemaker as most children in her shoes would have been. And I told her she could sleep on the couch. It took about five minutes for her to doze off. I was going to go back to sleep, but I didn't.

I stood in my kitchen with a growing erection, staring at this poor girl I was about to rape. My heart was beating faster than I knew it could. This was wrong, but I was going to do it anyway. As I crept over to her, I told myself I would be gentle. I was not. I reached the couch, pulled the dirty sheet off her, and got naked. She had on a pair of overalls and a white shirt with a cat on it. I unbuttoned the overalls, and started to flip her onto her belly, when she woke up. I panicked, and grabbed her ankles and yanked her off the couch. I threw myself on top of her and covered her mouth. I told her relax, it's just me. She asked me what I was doing. I told her I was going to change her clothes, what she was wearing was dirty. She asked me why I was naked and I said my clothes were dirty too. She made something of a whatever groan, and probably just wanted to go back to bed. But I wasn't going to stop. I pulled down her overalls and took her shirt off.

She had some ugly watermelon panties on, red and green stripes with little black ovals. I rolled hr over and pulled them down. I got on my knees above her. She felt me, and perhaps by instinct tried to prop herself up and turn around. I put my weight onto her and covered her mouth with my left hand. It took me a few seconds, but I got the tip into her ass. And then I lost control. I went as hard and fast as I could, and couldn't have lasted more than two minutes. The whole time she made pained grunts, but didn't fight back. I never came so hard in my life. And I had one of those, What Have I Done moments. I knew i was going to prison. It was either that, or kill her and chop her up, and I don't think I'm capable of going that far. But I figured if I'm getting arrested, might as well enjoy it now. I flipped her back over and started molesting her. I shoved my tongue in her mouth, cupped her ass, pinched her nipples, and rubbed the outside of her pussy.

I spent almost three hours touching her, working myself back up. She refused to look at me, and whenever I moved her head to face me she shut her eyes. I didn't care how much she was suffering, I wanted it. I got between her legs and worked myself into her again. I didn't bother holding her mouth shut, I knew she had given up, and I wanted to hear her moan louder, it turned me on. It was maybe ten minutes before i finished. I wanted to put it in her mouth and make her choke on it, but I doubt I would have cum in time to get her cleaned and kicked out before my neighbors woke up and saw me. So I dragged her to my tiny bathroom and took a shower with her. I touched her more while I tried to rinse out the cum. I dried her off, put her shirt, overalls and sandals back on, and brought her back to the front. I grabbed her head and kissed her one more time. I forced her to look into my eyes while I made my empty threat. If you tell anyone what happened, I'm going to burn you and your mom alive, you understand me. She nodded, and I opened the door and pushed her out.

It's been a month now. Her mom hasn't come over. Police haven't show up. I know what I did was sick, but I don't feel bad. In fact, I feel amazing. Not only was that the most physical pleasure I've ever had, but it looks like I just got away with raping a child. Now all I can think is doing it again. Cindy hasn't been hanging around my place since, but I'd bet her mother would love a pro bono babysitter to get that brat out of her hair while she sucks dick for more drugs. I am going to do it again. And I don't feel guilty. I kept her panties.




Im a 14 year old girl and I love this website. Just thinking about grown men fucking little kids turns me on.

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i want to find a boyfriend that fucks me hard and let’s me call him daddy. but one who also has a dog and lets the dog fuck me while i suck his dick.




Being a single Mother of one boy, its hard to leave him at home alone. I simply do not trust him, so I took him with me to Target. Its all I can afford these days. It sounds weird but I invited him into the dressing room with me to keep an eye on him while I tried a few items on. They were all tops so I didn't think it would be a big deal. I noticed things were getting to be a big deal, in my Son's shorts anyway. While trying on my third top, I just had to roll my eyes at my Son. "Really, Tommy?" He said he was sorry. I told him come on lets go. His hard on was being stubborn and he said he couldn't make it go away. I told him we will just have to wait a while. After a few more minutes he said it still would not go away. OMG... my Sonny Boy!!! I told him I hope there are no cameras in here and for him to pull down his shorts. I told him to have a seat while I got down on my knees. I saw his scrotum spread out on the seat as he sat down before me. It looked really full. "You poor thing you, my little Tommy..." He asked me what I was going to do. I hushed him and told him not to make a sound. I took my Son's throbbing cock and began to suck him. I could taste his sweet precum. It was a lot of sweetness for his DOM. He began to pulse harder and faster as my lips tightly rippled up and down my Son's rock hard cock. I stopped to remind him to remain silent. He understood even though this was his first blowjob ever. I started back in on him. I continued to work my Son towards his happy ending. He grew closer and closer, I could tell as his pulse quickened. I moved my lips to the head of my Son's cock to wait for him to unload for me. I grasped his shaft with my hand and began to suck as hard as I could while I shook him off. Suddenly, my Tommy began to paint the back of my throat with his explosive hot little boy cum. Aside from his heavy breathing, he stayed pretty quiet, quiet enough anyway. After he was finished unloading for me, I let him see his hot aftermath as it pooled in my mouth. He looked amazed at seeing all of his cum in his Mother's mouth just before I swallowed all of him down. We left the dressing room to head home after buying one of the tops I tried on. By the time we got home, my Son was already hard again. The garage door closed, I took my Son by the hand, and directed him to a stool in the kitchen for yet another bj round. What a day!




I go on this godamn website all the time and its by far the worst thing ive ever done, I deserve to be in jail for being turned on by this shit its fucking disgusting. Im gonna try and force myself never to come on this website because its wrong on so many levels and I'm an awful person for liking it. I need to fix myself I shouldnt like this shit,touching children is so fucking wrong and literlally ruins their lives forever and it not fair. Ive masturbated to shit about people raping kids and even adults and shit man. All of us are fucked up and not in a good way, we all need help this shit is disgusting and I hate myself every day for liking it.




I took more pictures of my daughter tonight, I really want to share them with someone

it makes me so wet, I love touching myself and hearing everything they want to do to her little body




I walked in on my husband fucking our newborn daughter and honestly it’s the hottest thing ever I love when he cums in her face and forces his cock in her little slit if I get a few comments I’ll post detailed stories