Confessions tagged with 'fucking'.




I have been reading teen sex stories, teen impregnation stories, brother, sister and uncle stories for years online. After so much reading i just finally had to give in and try it myself.

I spent a couple of weeks hanging around the local shopping mall. I hung around the girls clothes shops and the sports shops. I took a bit to really get up some courage, but after i did, i asked a few girls as they were coming out of the shops if they wanted to make some extra cash. They all said yes, but once i said that i wanted to have fun with them they all ran off. I almost gave up after a couple of trying because i didn't want to keep coming back to similar areas and i had no luck.

Finally i saw a girl who clearly looked around and bought nothing. I stopped her and asked her if she wanted cash. She almost jumped out of her skin with a YES. I told her i would like to have some fun, but i would pay her for it. After some sweet talking i got her to agree. I told her to meet me at the local gym the next day. I guess i never really thought she'd show, but she did. I have been a member of the gym for over 10 years and i decided the best place i could have her was in the stem room. I was clouded, quiet and i know that in the early afternoons, no one ever comes in as they are all at work or school.

Anyway i agreed to pay and was even more shocked when i asked her what she felt was fair. She agreed to $60. I was blown away she had no idea how much she could have asked me for. So we changed and i met her in the steam room. We chatted and i got her details. She is just turned 14, her name is Sophie, her family doesn't really have much money. I asked her if she had sex before and she told me she broke her hymen last year playing with herself, but she hadn't had sex with a boy, as she put it. I asked her if she had periods yet. She said yes. I had to confirm, so i asked if she was on the pill or does she need me to wear a condom. She wanted me to wear a condom, but i quickly asked her about her periods. I found out she had hers about 8 days before, but i convinced her she had it backwards and that she was safe after a week till her next cycle. I have no idea why, but she bought it and agreed to let me do it with no protection.

She was nervous and so was i, but after a bit i had her kneeling on the sitting steps, her pink bikini bottoms pulled down to her knees. I held her smooth teen hips and slowly pushed my cock into her.

I will say, that i have never felt anything like it. I have been with some woman, not a huge amount, but they don't feel anything like a teens tight little pussy. To have my 36 year old penis now pushing deep into a 14 year old was amazing.

I knew i wouldn't last long, and being pretty nervous in the steam room i didn't. Maybe 6 or 7 minutes. I held her tight as i thrust into her until i was balls deep. I held myself and pumped as many loads as i could into her pussy. She pulled her bikini pants back up and we sat and talked again. I fucked her a second time after about 25 minutes rest.

I asked her if she would like more cash and she agreed. I paid her $120 and we both left. I have been meeting her there every second day for the last 4 weeks, fucking and blowing at least 2 loads in her young teen pussy each time. She just showed up today and said she has missed her period. I talked her into believing that after starting sex she might have 2 or even 3 months without her period before on the 4th month they could return to her. I also said that she might get some sickness, just like morning sickness, but not as many girls having sex younger get it. She again bought the whole story, making sure that by the time she works out i have knocked her up, she will be past the our legal termination laws.

I am going to keep fucking her as long as she will let me or until i can't hide it the fact she's pregnant from her anymore. Then i'm going to just stop showing up at the gym, cancelling my membership. She doesn't know my real name so she has nothing to track me with.

Best part is i was so excited by knowing i have already gotten her pregnant i fucked her 5 times today, 4 in the steam room and i got bold and fucked her in the spa. I had her sitting on my lap, gently bouncing on my cock.

I have decided to head to schools over the next few weeks and see if i can find myself another 13 or 14 year old girl to fuck and impregnate. I would love to fuck a girl in a school skirt, and if possible on the school grounds. I like he idea of the risk, but the plan of knocking her up without all her friends knowing it.




"Back In The Saddle With Mom!"

It’s really scary and also REALLY exciting to be confessing!

The first time I really noticed my Mother as a “woman” and not as my Mom, was when I was only thirteen and Mom was twenty nine. I had been getting spontaneous erections for the past year and a half, but I wasn’t about to embarrass myself by telling anybody about them, especially my Mother.

One night we were getting ready for bed. I had already undressed, turned off the light and got in bed. Mom usually went into the bathroom, closed the door, took a shower and changed into a long t-shirt for bed. This time she did not close the door completely when she went in. I looked across the bed and saw that I could see her in the mirror. She took her dress and slip off and laid them down on the side of the tub. She stood there looking at herself in the mirror, running her hand up and down on her stomach. She took both hands and lifted her breasts in her brassiere, kind of “fluffing” them. That was when I noticed I was getting an erection and it was a big one.

Up until that moment in my young life she had always been just “Mom”. Mom looked hot. She wasn’t overweight like most of my friend’s moms. She was hot. She was around 5’ 6” and I would guess, and maybe 110 lbs. I was about to look away when she reached behind her to take off her bra. I felt funny watching but I could not take my eyes off of her. Once her bra was off she dropped it on top of her dress and then reached down and took off her panties. I had never seen pubic hair before, at least not that much of it and not in person. I didn’t think my friend Jimmy’s Playboy magazine should count.

Mom’s pubic hair was dark blond and formed a very large, and very thick bushy triangle. I pulled my eyes away and looked back up to her breasts. They were just a bit on the small side but she had very large nipples. My erection was not only big, it was getting downright painful, so I slipped off my briefs and kicked them down to the foot of the bed. I knew I was staring at my own naked mother and should stop before she turned and caught me. Mom then reached over, closed the door and started the shower she took each night before bed. When she was finished she came back into the bedroom wearing her night t-shirt over her panties and got into bed. My cock was still hard with the memory of how she looked naked, and I was in lust!

Even at my age I knew that most sons didn’t sleep in the same bed with their mothers. You see, it started right after my dad died. I was just six. We had to move from the house we rented to a small one bedroom apartment. Mom had the bedroom and I slept on the sofa in the front room. I was so sad with dad gone that I would wake up crying at night. After a couple of nights of this Mom had me come in and sleep with her. That helped and after a few days the crying stopped. For whatever reason, year after year, we just never changed and I continued to sleep with my Mom. In fact, for several years, starting at that time, I would periodically climb between her legs and up on top of Mom and fall asleep on her.

Now, as I lay there with that erection, the more I thought about seeing Mom naked in the bathroom, the more I wanted that closeness of lying on top of her. I did not know much about sex at the time and didn’t realize it was my too-hard dick thinking for me. I turned over and put one arm across mom’s body. At first she thought I was just going to kiss her goodnight. But I continued turning over. I put one knee between hers and she automatically spread her legs apart for me.

Mom put one hand on my shoulder to stop me, asking, “What are you doing Bobby”?

I continued moving over on top of her, “Mom, I just felt the need to be close to you. You know, like we used to do after Dad died when I was little”.

By that point I was on top of her with both of my legs between hers. As I positioned myself between my Mother’s legs she sighed and spread her legs a little bit more for me and lifted her knees up along my thighs and then dropped them down towards the bed with her knees splayed out. That was something she had not done before. Usually I just laid there with my legs on top of hers. This was much more comfortable. I liked it. My hard cock liked it too!

Mom seemed a little bit alarmed. “Honey, you are really too old for this”.

Pleading in my “little boy” voice I replied, “Oh, please Mommy? We havn’t done this in a long time. I don’t see you much any more and I just wanted to be close to you”.

“Well okay, for a little while. Then we should get some sleep. I have a long day tomorrow”.

“It sure feels good, Mom”, I whispered to her.

“Yes, Son, it sure does. It sure does feel good”, she sighed, and wrapped her arms around me.

I laid my head on her shoulder. I could feel one of her nipples getting harder against my neck. I squirmed around like I was trying to get comfortable on her just so I could feel it better. And that had the effect of making my cock even harder. I tried to relax to make it go away before my Mother noticed but it was too late. I could feel the head of my cock pushing up between Mom’s legs against the loose crotch of her panties. I thought if I don’t move maybe she won’t know.

My problem was that Mom was not as new to this as I was. As I pushed up against her I could feel her try to move away from me. “Mom, I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it. It just got hard. I saw you all naked in the bathroom and you looked so good that you made me get all hard”.

But the feeling was so electric I could not help myself. I began moving my hips against her, thrusting quickly, ernestly driving the head of my cock against her crotch right at her pussy. It only took a few seconds for my thirteen year old overly-excited sperm-filled balls to erupt all over her panties.

“Oh Mom, I’m so sorry. It just came out of me. I couldn’t stop it”. I was so upset at it I was starting to cry. Remember, I was only a thirteen year old boy at the time.

Mom had her arms around me and hugged me tighter. “Don’t worry Bobby. It was my fault for letting you see me completely naked when I undressed in front of you and gave you such a big erection”.

I could feel her panties and the bed below us was wet with my sperm, “But I think I made a mess on you”.

Mom just patted my head and said, “You certainly did, Son, you most certainly did. But it’s nothing to worry about. It’s the most natural thing for a healthy young teenage boy to do”.

Since she didn’t yell at me, reproach me, or push me away, I felt a bit encouraged. My cock was still hard so I pushed it against the vertical indentation of her panty-covered crotch again and held it there.

Mom took me by the shoulders saying, “Bobby, it was an accident but enough is enough. I think you should get off your Mother now”, and turned on her side so I fell back to my side of the bed.

“Mom, you’re not mad at me are you, for what I did”?

“No, Honey, I’m not mad at you. Just a little surprised that’s all. I know boys your age start getting uncontrolable sexual feelings like that, and I’m a little flattered that I was the cause of it, but we probably shouldn’t do that again”.

Mom lay back on her back and a little squeal escaped her lips. With a slight smile she said, “You’re just like your father. You left a great big wet spot of semen on my side of the bed for me to sleep in”.

I scooted over farther on my side, “Here, move this way”.

As Mom moved to my side of the bed, she turned over so her back was to me. I moved up against her in the “spoon” position. Having my cock pressed up against my Mother’s ass felt so good and I really wanted to do something to make it feel even better, but I figured I’d better not press my luck. So I just put my arm around her so my hand was on her stomach just above the waistband of her panties. She put her hand over mine and we both drifted off to sleep.

The entire next day I kept thinking about what happened the previous night and those pesky spontaneous erections kept popping up repeatedly all day. In English class I had to stay in my seat for a few minutes after the end of class, pretending to write some notes, because I was too hard to get up and walk to my next class.

The next night I made sure I was in bed before mom came in. I pulled down my underwear and kicked them to the foot of the bed like I done before. I didn’t want them coming between me and my Mother. I was hoping she would leave the door open again, but no such luck. Mom went into the bathroom, closed the door, took her shower and then came to bed. After our goodnights and a quick kiss on the check she went to sleep. I had a more difficult time waiting for my cock to go down.

The following night I thought I would give it one last try. I made sure I was in bed first. My briefs were kicked down to the foot of the bed and my cock was hard. I was ready. When Mom came in she was humming a little as she walked slowly to the bathroom door. She closed it but it didn,t quite latch. I could hear her humming to herself and brushing her hair. Then she must have brushed against the door because it opened several inches. Mom was again standing in front of the mirror completely naked. She “fluffed” up both of her slightly sagging itty-bitty titties, turning first one way then the other while she looked at herself in the mirror. She slowly caressed herself all over, even slipping her hand down to her thick bush of pubic hair several times. It was quite a “show” and I loved it. She seemed to take a much longer time than normal doing this before she took her shower and then came into the bedroom.

When my Mother got into bed I was undecided as to what to do. I wanted to get on top of her again and get between her legs but I was sure that if I asked she would say no. Then my hard cock made up my mind for me! I just turned over and quickly moved on top of her without saying anything. As I moved my legs between hers she spread them like she had the two nights before. Only this time, my Mother spread them even wider with her knees up higher. As I got comfortable on her I could feel my erection already pushing against her panties. I was right where I wanted to be: On top of my sexy Mother, between her spread open legs, and my raging hard cock right up against her cunt!

Mom put her arms around me and gave me a hug and said teasingly, “It’s nice to have a teenage Son who finds his Mother desirable, but you really should say ‘please’ first”.

“Please, Mom”? Then another thought hit me. “Do you think you could take off your panties? Please”?

“No. I don’t think that would be a good idea right now. I havn’t been on The Pill in years. You might accidently push your hard penis right up inside of me and ejaculate in there, and get me pregnant with your child”.

“Ah, gee, Mom…”, I started to whine in my “little boy” voice.

She cut my whining off with, “Now Bobby, you like being on top of Mommy and you like being between her legs, don’t you”?

“Sure, Mom! There’s no other place I’d rather be!”, I truthfully assured her.

“Well, then, that’s settled. We’ll just take care of your little ‘problem’ the same way we did the other night”.

I didn’t move as I lay there between my Mother’s legs with my hard cock against her crotch. I was disappointed and I sighed to let her know about it.

She tousled my hair a little bit, then with a little smile in her voice said, “OK, cowboy! You’re in the saddle now, so start humping your Mother!”

As I began moving my hips against Mom, she sighed a little and began gently rubbing my back. Then, with me rhythmically humping my Mother's panty-covered crotch, she moved both of her hands down to my clenching ass. When she reached my ass cheeks she cupped them in her hands, got a firm grip on them, and then pulled me up tightly against her. I could feel the head of my cock push against her panties. Her panties were really wet by then, so as I pushed I could feel the head of my cock sinking in a bit. So close! It was like something was grabbing just the head.

I know a man is supposed to last longer for a women but this was all so new to me. I could not hold it any more. As my hips began to buck and fuck frantically against her, Mom lifted me up a bit and then pulled me higher so my cock was laying on her stomach when I exploded on her. I just kept humping against her bare belly as spurt after spurt after spurt of sperm kept shooting out of my throbbing cock. Then she rolled over on her side and I cuddled up against her back.

When I woke up in the middle of the night we were still in that position except my cock was painfully hard again and it was trapped between my mother’s upper thighs and up against the crotch of her panties. I slowly gave her a couple of short little cock thrusts and it felt good, so I gave her a few more. I was afraid that I might wake her up and that she’d get mad, so I stopped. She was still breathing slowly with a slight snoring sound, so I started slowly humping her crotch again. I didn’t last very long this time either. I felt that familiar tingle and my balls tightened up as I was humping my Mom and then I exploded. I tried to pull back so as not to leave another mess, but I was WAY too slow. I spermed the front of my mother’s panties, I spermed her entire crotch area and upper thighs, and thoroughly soaked her backside as well before my incestuous orgasm subsided. She stirred a little bit and whispered something real quiet.

I think my mother said, “Thank you”.

And that became our routine. Not every night, mind you, but most of the nights. Sometimes Mom would say she was tired and needed to go to sleep, and I’d lie there with the most disappointed hard-on in the whole world. Mostly, she would go through her entire night-time shower “routine” with the bathroom door opened just enough so that I wouldn’t miss a thing. Then she’d come to bed and have me climb up and get “back in the saddle whenever you’re ready” as she called it. At 13, I was ready at any time, every time, all the time!

After a couple of months of these frustratingly enjoyable sessions (and a couple of gallons of my ejaculat semen), summer arrived. We didn’t have much in the way of AC and it could get pretty hot in apartment. One hot night when my Mother came “bouncing” out of the bathroom after her “routine”, she wasn’t wearing her t-shirt!

“It’s just too hot for that old t-shirt tonight”, she explained.

I couldn’t help but stare at my Mother’s tits. With hope in my heart (and my groin), “And your panties, too?” I suggested.

“Sorry, Cowboy. This’ll have to do for now”.

I was sure that Mom was doing that for me. When I got on top of her, instead of putting my head on her shoulder as I usually did, I held myself up on my arms and looked at her breasts. I moved my head down and ran a tongue around one nipple. When I did that Mom let loose a long pent-up sigh and moved her hands to my ass and pulled my hard cock up against her panty crotch. I then went from one breast to the other and back again. Mom had a death grip on my ass and kept rhythmically pulling me tight against her, then rocking me back away and to her again. This resulted in my cock pushing the crotch of her panties in and out of the entrance to her wet, hairy cunt.

My Mother’s cunt and panties were very wet at this point and I could clearly smell her sex which got me even hotter. As my Mother continued “helping” me hump her, I could feel the head of my cock pushing the wet crotch of her panties even deeper into her, giving her hairy cunt a nice big wedgie. By now I was able to last much longer than I used to and we typically did this to each other for around thirty minutes and this was no exception. My balls had grown to be about twice as big as when we first started, so when the inevitible happened, I shot twice as much sperm, twice as far as I did those first few times. I’m proud to say that I shot my incestuous semen all the way up to my Mother’s face and in toher hair, but most of it landed on her tits and belly. After shooting my big load of sperm all over her, I collapsed on her, and after laying on her for a few minutes to catch my breath, I rolled onto my side of the bed. I then watched Mom take a finger and trace it through my sperm on her stomach like she was finger-painting. And then she surprised my by putting her cum-covered fingers in her mouth, sucking on them, and making a quiet “mmm-mmm” sound.

My Mother and I got closer as we continued this new routine over the next few months but I was getting more and more frustrated. I wanted to be IN my Mother not just ON her. I wanted to be INSIDE of Mom’s cunt and not just butting up against her panties.

My Mother was obviously enjoying having me on top of her and humping her like crazy, so what was the problem? If she loves having my cock on her, wouldn’t she love having it INSIDE of her even more? Was she doing this deliberately to frustrate me? She must be. She knows what this does to a guy. She just lets me dry-fuck her when she knows that we should be doing a LOT more.

After another week of panty-frustration I finally thought of a plan. It seemed very simple and should work. It is what she would want me to do. My Mother wants it and needs it, but she is just saying “no” because I’m her son. It’s up to me to help her say, “Yes!”.

The next day I went to the store and bought a back of razors. That night when Mom came to bed I could tell that she was in the mood for it, because I could smell the scent of her sex eminating from between her legs. I didn’t move to get on top of her as usual, because that wasn’t part of my plan.

After a few minutes she reached over to encourage me to mount her. I just sighed and replied, “I’m not in the mood right now”.

“Are you sure Honey”?, she asked, with what seemed to be a little disappoinment in her voice.

“Yes, maybe after while”. Sometimes we would wake up in the middle of the night and I’d get “In The Saddle” then go at it.

"OK, Son. Whenever you’re ready, you just let me know”.

“I will, Mom. I sure will!”

I laid there feigning sleep until I was sure Mom was asleep. Then I opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out one of the razors I had bought. With it being summer, we just had a sheet on us so it was easy to move it aside so I could see her panties. I pulled one side out from her hip and used the razor to slice through it. She didn’t stir. Leaning over I reached the other side, pulled it out and sliced through it also.

By the time I put the razor away I was rock hard. I turned over and began rubbing my hand over her nipples. Then I reached down and rubbed my Mother’s cunt like I’d seen her do during her bathroom “shower time” shows. She was already wet and wide open down there. After only a few finger strokes Mom began a low moan. I used two, then three fingers to finger-fuck her cunt so that it was sopping wet and as wide open as I could get it. As she began to stir awake I reached for her hands and pulled them up over her head. It would not do for her to find her panties in tatters at this point.

Mom kept her eyes closed but moved her torso up off the bed to meet my hands rubbing her breasts. “I see Mommy’s little man is in a better mood now” she whispered sleepily. “Climb in the saddle, cowboy”.

That’s right where I intended to be, IN the saddle, not just “on” it!

As I moved over to get on top of my Mother, she spread her legs nide and wide for me just like she always did. Good! I put one hand on her hip to disguise the moment I grabbed the cut flap of her panties and then dropped it down on the bed between her legs. I had a clear view of her thick dense pubic hair and the wide-open, swollen lips of her juicy cunt. Oh God! I could actually see my Mother’s cunt up close! I didn’t get to look at her cunt very long because Mom was pulling me to get on top of her. So far so good!

She had moved her legs nice and wide and pulled her knees up to her usual position. My cock was fully erect and just an inch away, poised to plunge into her. She doesn’t suspect a thing! I reached up for her hands. With one of her hands in each of mine I stretched my arms out until I had her spread-eagled on the bed. I could feel her lifting her hips up trying to find my cock. My Mother wants me! Mom wants my cock! I moved my cock closer until the head was touching her wet, fully wide-open pussy. This time the was nothing there to keep my cock from fully entering her! Mom took a deep breath and lay back on the bed. She knew I was finally not teasing her anymore and was finally going to mount her. Was I!

I knew this is what my Mother really wanted. She wanted me to mount her. She wanted her Son’s cock! She wanted me deep in her. I put my head down and looked down between our bodies. I could see my cock pointed right at her wide-open, hairy wet pussy. With a deep breath I thrust forward.

My cock slid halfway into my Mother’s unprotected cunt on the first stroke!

Mom gasped and held her breath. Did she know that my cock was in her? With that I pulled back an inch or so and thrust all the way back in again. I was as deep as I could go into her. I pulled back a little and shoved my cock all the way back into her again and held myself tight against her with the head of my cock wedged against her cervix! I was in Heaven!

Mom found her voice, “Bobby, Stop! What are you doing? Are you trying to fuck me?

I answered Mom’s questions by pounding her cervix with five hard, rapid-fire thrusts.

“Bobby! Stop that! Get your penis out of me! Stop it! You’re fucking your Mother!

Mom KNEW my cock was in her! YES!!!

“How did you get your cock in me and where’s my panties? Oh God, my Son is fucking me! My Son is fucking me!!!”

Hearing my Mother say, “My Son Is fucking me”, caused me to start rapidly moving my cock in and out of her cunt. By now she was frantic and desparately trying to dislodge me. I let go of her hands and wrapped my arms around her and under her body squeezing her to me and continued fucking her. At that point I don’t even think I heard what she was saying because I was fucking my Mother so hard that the bedsprings were screaming.

As I pounded my cock in and out of my Mother's hairy cunt, I heard her voice but not the words. I just kept fiercely thrusting into Mom’s hairy wet cunt just as fast and as hard as I could. Nothing, and I mean nothing, was going to stop me from finally fucking my own Mother!

Mom moved her hands down until they were on my back, almost in a caressing way. I continued my mindless fucking of my Mother’s cunt!

In an unconvincing voice she pleaded, “Please Bobby. I’m your Mother. You have to stop”.

I just kept fucking her. She then wrapped her arms around my back hugging me and in a low, moaning voice, I heard her say, “Oh Bobby. Please, Bobby”.

Did that mean “please stop” or “please fuck me”?

Without missing a beat I kept pounding my 13 year old manhood into my Mom. Fucking her. Deeper. Harder. Faster. Mindlessly fucking my own Mother with an animal passion I didn’t know I had. After a few minutes I could feel Mom’s pelvis tilting and pushing back against me on each thrust. My Mother was now forcefully fucking me back, meeting me thrust for thrust. Her breathing had gotten very ragged when I heard her let loose with a little cry. She hugged me very tightly and then squeezed her thighs against my hips. I turned to look at her face and she had a look that was almost a grimace on it.

As she jammed her hips against me and wrapped her legs tightly around my waist she shouted, “Oh Bobby! Fuck me! Fuck me Son! Fuck your mother! Fuck me harder! Fuck your Mother you big MotherFucker!!! Mommy’s going to cum!”

With that, my Mother let out a long low cry that quickly turned into an obscenity-laced scream that drowned out the sound of the tortured bedsprings and I could feel her pussy fiercely squeezing my cock with a pulsating beat. The feeling of being buried to the hilt in her and her pussy grabbing me was it for me and I began cumming in her. I was ejaculating in my mother’s cunt like a machinegun on steroids! As each powerful stream of my incestuous seed shot out of me, I pulled slightly back and then slammed deep into her. Injecting my potent baby-making sperm directly into her unprotected and fertile womb!!!

My plan worked! I got what I wanted and gave my Mother what she needed!

Once we were finished we laid there with our arms wrapped around each other trying to catch our breath.

Mom finally let go with, “Wow! If I had known my own Son could fuck that good, I wouldn’t have waited so damn long”.

With my half-hard cock still buried inside of her, I gave my Mother a little peck on the cheek and said, “Thank you, Mom. Thank you for making me a man”!

She giggled a little, then murmered, “Well, I guess that officially makes you the Man Of The House”!

Proud of my victory, I gave her still-hard right nipple a good squeeze and a sharp twist and grunted, “That’s right, and don’t you ever forget it”!!!

I rolled off Mom to my side and she turned and came with me. Just in time I reached down with my hand searching the bed for the remnants of her panties. Once I found them I reached up to the top of the bed and dropped them over the mattress. I stretched out my arm and pushed it under Mom’s head. She laid her head on my shoulder and one hand on my chest.

Mom just laid there with her eyes closed. After a while she softly asked, “What happened to my panties”?

“Are you sure you wore them to bed”?

“I think so. I always wear them to bed now”.

“Well, I’m pretty sure I did not rip them off you”. Well, it is the truth.

Mom didn’t say anything more. She moved her hand around my stomach in a caressing motion and on one downward pass bumped into my cock as it was responding to the touch.

Mom wrapped her hand around my cock, “What do we have here, Mr. Man-Of-The-House? Didn’t you get enough”?

“I can never get enough of you Mom. You know that”.

Mom responded to the compliment by giving my now-hard cock a squeeze and lifted her left leg up onto my thigh. I took my right arm and reached around her back and with both hands pulled her up onto me. She still had me in her hand and was rubbing me against her sloppy wet pussy. I thought she was really wet until I remembered I had just deposited all that sperm in her.

Thinking of our future together I said, “One more thing, Mom. As the Man Of The House, I’m telling you, NO MORE PANTIES!”

She raised her hand up and saluted me and laughingly replied, “Yes SIR! I swear that I will never, ever wear panties again for as long as I live!”

Mom let go with her hand and pushed her body down so I slid right into her again. “You have been on top of me for way too long. Now it’s my turn to get in the saddle”.

And my Mother was right………….

"Back In The Saddle With Mom!"