


Hello. Since I'm turning twelve my daddy says it's time for me to start a family of my own. That its my role as a girl. Daddy let me read *some* (pout) of the things on here and they sound lovely but confusing. I don't understand what virginity is (daddy's laughing as I write this - ah ah, his penis feels so good). I still have a lot to learn and I want to talk to a nice boy about this. I want a strong wolf like my daddy and will do anything for him and our babies to make them happy. Daddy says I need to find him before I turn 12 next Wed so I have as many puppies as possible. He says an important thing needs to happen on my birthday but won't tell me what. I'm excited it sounds fun. Daddy has always liked pushing his muzzle in and smelling my lady parts but, lately he's been very aggressive about it, is that normal? Anyways, daddy tells me wonderful things about how I'm gonna be a great mommy and have lots of pups, and then those pups are going to grow up and make me a mommy all over again. I'm really excited about that. I just hope that daddy keeps making me feel special too. Oh, and I still want to have doggie fun with Tyson, Theo and Eli.

Anyways, if anyone knows where I can find a boy like this that would be very helpful. I'm not allowed to talk online without him but, he said something about "pup" and "arlen" without spaces on "apps" would help (How daddy - ah ah harder - what does that even mean?).

Okay, gotta go. Daddy's gonna finish and pump me full of his milk now

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