Confessions tagged with 'brutal'.

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I'm f15 albino pale skinny and bleach blonde in a black majority town

I never had a bf in high school my grades were normal, I only had 1 friend who was a boy older than me in school but in the same grade. We'll call him Jack

During summer when I turned 15 I got permissions to go solo out with Jack. We went bowling in town

He came with a few of his distant cousins who looked way older than him. We went to the bowling alley where I found then staring at my cleavage and thighs (I wore a skimpy dress, mind you It was summer) and I started to sweat looking at their growing crotch..... we were their for less than expected... Jack said he would be dropping me to my house as he had to run errands with his cousin.

But they skipped a turn to my house and took the vehicle to a deadend and turned off the head lights

I had no time to react they groped me and held me mouth and pinned me to the ground.

They gently stripped me and started recording

Tears rolled down my eyes. They removed their jeans and started slapping me with their hard dark black cocks (I wasn't on pill). They humped me for a good 2 hours. They took away my virginity... I was crying and moaning at the same time. The pastor of the town pulled over with a cop, I thought I was going to be saved but I didn't they both raped me for a good 45 mins and warned me if I said anything to anyone the whole town would find recordings in their post

They used me with the whole church on Sundays and on Christmas they would crucify me and then rape me as a ceremony to celebrate

Even my dad, my brother and all my cousins used me until I left the town for a bigger city for good

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