


I'm a 39yo white, 130lbs, curly red hair, mom of one from the south with a very unique need. I was raised being spanked and as I got older I found myself still requiring a red fanny. After my parents passed away I didn't have anyone to provide that so while my son was at school. I'd take a hefty wooden brush that I purchased online just for spanking, bare my butt and place myself over the kitchen table and try to put a deep red burn in my butt.

When my son was 14 he skipped his last period at school to come back home to get sports equipment that he'd forgotten and needed for practice and saw me conducting my spanking from the backdoor window. (Which I found out a few days later)

A couple days later he practically yelled a question out at me while having dinner, "Mom why were you spanking yourself in the kitchen?" Once the shock wore off and I could find my words I explained everything to him honestly but with great shame. He listened patiently, asked a few questions and seemed quite shocked that yes I needed to have it without the choice of how long or hard a spanking would be.

The conversation lightened up and I began sharing stories with him about things that used to happen when I was a younger and ways my parents disciplined me other than spanking, though usually I'd get spanked and then something extra like writing lines, corner time or extra chores.

Once dinner was over and cleaned up we moved our conversation out to the front porch of the farmhouse. The longer we talked the more and more intrigued he seemed to become. He then stated/asked "Mom if it's so important to you and of great need then, how can I help?" Immediately I got a lump in my throat and became nervous. My son was now offering to handle what I had been lacking for a number of years. I then accepted his help and we began discussing the new role he was willing to try in our home. It basically came down to well give it a try and if successful then he'd be in charge of the household.

Here we were on the porch with the sun setting, me in a summer dress, we had agreed that he was going to try tanning my backside and I began to fidget in my seat until I heard those dreaded words "Mom why don't you go get the brush I saw you use the other day." I hesitated a minute, got to my feet and slow walked into the house to retrieve the brush from my nightstand. I brought it back and was visibly shaking when I handed it to him. "Wow mom. It's heavier than I expected. Are you sure about this?" I gave a nervous laugh and told him that we'll see I guess. I didn't even realize that I was so nervous that once I handed him the brush that my fingers began working my dress up the sides of my legs. He motioned for me to get over his lap, I leaned in and settled myself and used one hand to reach back to grab the rest of my dress exposing my rear end. He asked "it was always bare in the past right mom?" I confirmed, he pulled them down and without hesitation began dropping hard blows on one cheek and then the other. I tried to count but very quickly lost track. I've no idea how long he spanked me but my rear end was on fire and I was a bawling mess!

When he had finished he softly rubbed my butt a minute and then told me to kneel on the porch facing the pole and hold my dress up. I did as instructed being sure to stay quiet until released.

I was sent straight to bed after and told we'd talk about it in the morning. I hugged him, thanked him and kissed his cheek goodnight.


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