


I knocked on the door of room 233 and the door opened and calling the stand there with a strap on around your waist I said hey what's going on here she said that she's a tutoring three of her students she said remember this girl's I pointed out I couldn't get the fourth one so I can I drop my shorts and took off my t-shirt I said I'm sure would like to help you with them she said come on inn there was three girls bent over the side of the bed and I said which one is the youngest she pointed at one of the pussies and acid so I I told her I said I'll do these two you finish with that one so what I did was I picked up a dildo and I pushed into the one girl and she looked over short and she said oh my God and so I started going to the park and then kept slamming it into a while I f*** the other girl Colleen said sandalwood be back with a couple of her students about an hour taste of you cover Colleen she looked at me and said after we're done with these three I'm so glad we just keep on here so she can lick it while I'm down to you I'm coming said well that girl is but not one of these three finish this up then the door open in Kali and came in with her I said I'm 13 good morning. Set in chair put in my lap facing towards. Easter down on top of my car got almost all the way on but now and they're still going to have to go I pulled the girl by your hair and I asked her can I go see a couple of her friends and she can help me my name is Pam okay let's go probably still got to work on Susan over there she put on her short rapper shirt I just can't put my t-shirt on hallway wait till you see one of the girls see my cock in the hallway I handed her a bag of Coke I said go in the room where your friend is give her a couple lines and tell her you got somebody that wants to talk to her knock on the door I'll be waiting outside someone out there I said any girl tha,t wants to ride this can be my daughter..

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