


A local highschool has tried taming the teen sluts that attend. Over the past few years, these little fuck-pots have been progressively shortening their uniforms to the point where some underage whores wear skirts that barely cover their ass when they're standing up straight - bent over they reveal raunchy butts in G-string panties.

So the jealous, feminist bitches that run the place introduced a new dress code. Hideous! Big baggy trousers with very loose bulky tops. These clothes made every girl look fat and the chicks hated it. So one day - after this policy had been going for about 2 weeks - I'm driving to work and suddenly my eyes were delighted to see dozens of teen honeys back in their ultra short slut skirts!

The teen jizz-magnets had rebelled and organized a mass disobedience stunt to get the message through to their 'elders and betters' that their scorching sexuality will not be crushed! These girls are my heroes. A 14 year old cock-stiffener should be proud to be able to turn men of all ages into panting wrecks just by walking past. Nothing can stop the onward march of sexual anarchy. Let underage sluts RULE!

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