Confessions tagged with 'hotkids'.

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I feel extremely awful, there was this girl I liked, we went out on a date, then another then another, things got going. One night she took up the topic of Exes to to talk about, and then I came to know about that her ex left because she supported pedophilia, not actually a pedophile but believed that it is ok as a sexuality. She then went on great lengths to explain what kids are capable of and how she enjoyed it with her uncle when she was little. Her uncle was a serial pedophile and at the time was fucking the neighbours' kid of 10-12 year old. I at that point was horny so I listened to all that she had to say, got a good fuck that night then in the morning went out to her uncle's apartment, broke into and strangled the fucker. Got out and back to GF's home in no time.

Police found him two days later, killed him bad. I was thinking of fucking him in the butt , I mean he was quite hot at that age but I let it go. It has been 5 months, we have broken up but fuck from time to time.

One day I find a kid's pic in her phone, like 5-6 year old kid, she was naked and my gf was licking her pussy. Oh fuck she a pedo too? But she hot as fuck as well.

At that point I broke up completely with her, and after a year or so, just a week ago I Broke her Neck and just got out. Thought of fucking her but DNA evidence would be bad.

I feel pretty bad for killing such a beauty of nature. I mean I liked when she tickled my dick, she was phenomenal talker, a pretty good engineer, she was just a special , may be my soulmate but a pedo too so yeah now I am thinking of killing my self.

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