


I'm 50, male and married for 27 years. My wife has no interest in sex, she just lays there unmoving and lifeless, she never makes the first move or shows any interest in giving or receiving pleasure. I give her oral sex for hours trying to get some enthusiasm from her but nothing. I've tried toys, date nights, erotic fiction, everything I can think of but nothing has helped.

Lately I've been visiting some woods a few miles from our home and hooking up with the gay men who go there. They give incredible blow-jobs and most swallow my cum (something my wife will not do). I've fucked a few in the ass and even been fucked myself. Sometimes I take my wife's dirty underwear with me and let the other men sniff them. It is so good to be with someone who wants to have sex.

Sometimes they cum on my cock, which I don't wipe off but let dry. Then when I fuck my wife later their dry cum gets in her pussy, sometimes I can taste their cum on her pussy, which gets me off.

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