


I (56F) have lived in the same small town in northwest Indiana and have basically fucked every available, intersted guy in the area, including a few who were cheating at the time and we both knew it, like my sister's husband. For a while, especially after high school, I was known as the town slut and because I've still got it going on due to my work as a personal trainer, I'm still getting it.

All the 18-20 year old boys in the area have also had a go with me, so I'm running out of options and am still horny as hell. I was cursed with a high sex drive that I thought would calm down by now, but if anything it got worse as my body changed.

The only men left are family, so I started doing things with people online, but that has only got me so far. I need dick. I'm trying hard to get some with guys that have already taken a turn, but I'm like an inch from going lesbian to make rounds with all the women in the area. If something doesn't change soon, I'm going to have to consider incest. I'm sure there's a few guys in the family tree that wouldn't say no.

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