Confessions tagged with 'parties'.

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As a young one I went to these R.A.T parties over pacific and other shores. People play it down as a friendly thing. But They were known in some resort islands as Rape, and Tackle Parties for an exclusive group. Often gay men but some bysexuals were part of it. Any working staff there was aware of the codes and had to wear a inside the vagina and ass that was rubber and had sharp claws on the inside so any dick penitrating it was foiled if they stuck it in they could not pull out with out real pain and it happened a few times and one girl told the partier that she was wearing and he had a bad shred of dick afterwards backing out. I warned you she said as he ran off crying and screaming.

Another guy was using one up his ass as a worker on the resort and similar story however he was kinder and told the guy not to back out and call for help and he believed him and held still.

Talk about a knoted couple for a few minutes to an hour as they got security to pull out the rubber and his dick in it and then cut in open to free the dick.

After that a lot of the parties stopped and were known later as Free The Dick policy parties. FTDPP to the stayers who came back a few times in several years.

The drugs and music and lifestyle was mostly damaged by aids and complaints and health and safety and liability .

Did you ever go to a R A T party or work at one back in the early 1980s they tamed by the years. the guys had chicks like rosemary lined up for sex on entertainmet rides all the time. rosemary is a liar whore.

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